First of all we need to understand the cold air blower model, for the type of cold air blower model combined with the type of cold storage, cold storage, frozen storage or cold storage to select the model and cold air blower, suitable for cold storage, frozen storage, cold storage
Each kind of cold storage has not the same calculation method, because each kind of cold storage refrigeration quantity and the refrigeration effect are not the same, therefore also has not the same calculation way. Below the Bank of China Refrigeration for everyone to introduce the method of selecting the cold air machine.
Matching of cold storage and cold air blower, and matching calculation formula
W0=75W/m3 per cubic meter.
1, if V (cold storage capacity) is less than 30m3, more frequent cold storage door times, such as meat base, by coefficient A=1.2;
2, if 30m3 < V < 100m3, more frequent cold storage door times, such as meat base, by coefficient A=1.1;
3, if V is larger than 100m3, the more frequent the refrigerator door number, such as meat base, by coefficient A=1.0;
4, if the single cold storage, then the coefficient of B=1.1 final cold air cooling machine matching W=A*B*W0 (W for air cooling machine load);
5, cold storage refrigeration unit and air cooling machine matching according to -10oC evaporation temperature calculation.
Two, frozen cold storage matching cold air machine:
W0=70W/m3 per cubic meter.
1, if V (cold storage capacity) is less than 30m3, more frequent cold storage door times, such as meat base, by coefficient A=1.2;
2, if 30m3 < V < 100m3, more frequent cold storage door times, such as meat base, by coefficient A=1.1;
3, if V is larger than 100m3, the more frequent the refrigerator door number, such as meat base, by coefficient A=1.0;
4, if a single frozen library, then the coefficient of B=1.1 final cold air cooling machine matching W=A*B*W0 (W for air cooling machine load)
5, when the cold storage and low temperature cabinet shared refrigeration unit, the unit and air cooling machine matching according to the -35oC evaporation temperature. When the cold storage and low temperature cabinet separately, the cold storage refrigeration unit and the cold air blower match according to the -30oC.
Three, cold storage machine matching cold air machine:
W0=110W/m3 per cubic meter.
1, if the V (processing volume) < 50m3, then multiply factor A=1.1;
2, if V is greater than or equal to 50m3, then take the final cold air cooler matching coefficient A=1.0 by W=A*W0 (W cooler load);
3, when the processing room and the middle temperature cabinet shared refrigeration unit, the unit and the cold air blower matching according to the -10oC evaporation temperature calculation. When the process is separated from the medium temperature cabinet, the cold storage unit and the cold air blower matched with the 0oC evaporation temperature.